Posts tagged ‘rhyme’

November 13, 2020

Never Kiss and Tell

Just relax. Inhale. Exhale.
One should never kiss and tell.
Are you okay? You’re looking pale.
Just relax. Inhale. Exhale.
Your words will come to no avail.
So come, lie down here for a spell.
Just relax. Inhale. Exhale.
One should never kiss and tell.

~ smj

Broken Ones, Jacquie Lee

October 16, 2007

Damn Crickets…

Sleep eludes me.
I hear every cricket.
Their song confirms,
No rest for the wicked.

Think of plans overdue,
Make more for the morrow.
It’s no wonder we need,
To beg, steal and borrow.

Throw on just one more,
How many can we stack?
Before that final straw,
Breaks the camel’s back.

Sweet meltdown at last.
Can we now relax?
Toss worries away,
Like  graduation caps.

Let me collapse into bed,
Where the pillow’s so soft,
Please, on your way out,
Can you switch my brain off?

Ahh… at last sweet silence.
Yeah…. that’s the ticket!
Wait…what’s that off in the distance?
No No!  
Inbound crickets!!

(sept 2007)