angry footsteps

angry footsteps fall

heavy overhead proving

madness lives here still



16 Comments to “angry footsteps”

  1. Yes. Anger held to long is madness. Glad to see you back!

  2. I will step lightly
    I want to be here for you
    (but not upset you…)


  3. anger does leads to madness

    (i think if you drop the haiku form for another – it might be stronger read – my thoughts)

    • UtopianFragments – thanks for the visit and comment. yeah… I think, there’s more to this one… I may have to expand on this.

      I actually wrote this… implying that the one who is doing the stomping around is still mad… as in upset… angry… Even though they are trying to pretend they are not.

  4. I think your haikus are spectacular, in the sense that you can be so expressive… which is quite an uphill task in the first place, considering the limitations…

  5. ‘madness lives here still’–that’s a powerful concept–great poem.

  6. judging by the way I have been writing lately, this poem is reminiscent of the voices in my head. mad as a hater but with moments of extreme lucidity.

  7. Very nice. I think this would be even better if it were stretched out into a slightly longer, non-haiku poem. Nonetheless, awesome poignancy.

    • and shanks again. guy. =) sometimes, I like the haiku form, for exactly that reason. (it forces me to be short and sweet and make a point, rather than ramble on… like I tend to do naturally…)

  8. this one is nice… it’s deep… the madness born of anger. me likes! =)

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